Keim Royalan


Keim Royalan


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KEIM Royalan

KEIM Royalan is a ready-to-use mineral silicate paint system for exterior use in subtropical or tropical climates. It offers water-repellent properties, high vapour permeability and forms an insoluble chemical bond with the mineral substrate.

KEIM Royalan can be used for all mineral, absorbent substrates. Due to the excellent product properties, this coating material is particularly suitable for old and new surfaces. In combination with the KEIM Royalan system products, a wide variety of applications are possible.

The crystalline nature of KEIM Royalan allows vapour to pass freely through the coating from the substrate whilst at the same time protecting against the ingress of moisture, eliminating blistering, cracking or peeling associated with conventional paints.

KEIM Royalan is manufactured using natural earth oxide pigments which are UV stable and do not fade with time, their crystalline nature providing a high light reflecting matt appearance, which remains bright and vibrant, even on dull days.

• Developed specifically for harsh climates and coastal locations
• Provides weather protection
• Resistance to airborne pollutants and acid rain
• Inherently incombustible
• Environmentally friendly
• Can be applied onto glass, ceramics, and tiles
• Breathable / highly moisture vapour permeable
• Exceptionally durable
• Increases light reflectivity
• Light and colourfast
• UV stable
• Highly resistant to fungal and algae growth

Colour shade

Colour shades are available


0.4 Kg per square metre for two coats. Consumption rates are offered for guideline purposes only and are quoted for smooth surfaces. Actual rates are the responsibility of the applicator. Project specifications should be referred to for specific rates.

Pack size: 5 Kg / 28 Kg

Technical Data Sheets

KEIM Royalan Brochure

Safety Data Sheet – KEIM Royalan

Technical Data Sheet – KEIM Royalan

KEIM External Paint Systems Brochure




KEIM Colour Price Groups

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KEIM Avantgarde Colour Codes

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Keim Palette Exclusiv Colour Codes

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KEIM Edition Historisch Colour Codes

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Keim Monochrome Colour Codes

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