Keim Royalan-Dilution

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Keim Royalan-Dilution


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KEIM Royalan-Dilution

Dilution for KEIM Royalan, reacts chemically with the surface. The product comprises of liquid potassium silicate and stabilisers. Used to consolidate friable surfaces as a binder coat and as dilution for KEIM Royalan and KEIM Royalan Grob, and for equalisation or reduction of the absorbency of mineral substrates.

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0.15 L Kg per square metre for application as primer. Consumption rates are offered for guideline purposes only and are quoted for smooth surfaces. Actual rates are the responsibility of the applicator. Project specifications should be referred to for specific rates.

Pack size: 5 L / 20 L

Technical Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheet – KEIM Royalan-Dilution

Technical Data Sheet – KEIM Royalan-Dilution

KEIM External Paint Systems Brochure



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