Insulating Lime Plaster

Eden Hot Lime Mortar

Insulating Lime Plaster


per m² Plus VAT and Delivery Charges

** Supplied in component form for mixing hot on site **

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Insulating Lime Plaster

Insulating lime plaster is a breathable insulation which can be applied directly on to the interior external walls as well as internal walls. The insulation is applied in a wet form, normally with the aid of a harling trowel, but some builders use a conventional float. The insulation can be built up in layers, at a maximum of 20-25mm at any one point, once dry another layer can then be applied.
The first coat can be left quite rough as it will aid the cohesion of the following layer. The second layer can be smoothed off an hour or two later so the skim coat will be easier to apply.

Generally people tend to apply a 50mm backing coat plus a 2-4mm skim coat, followed by a lime wash finish. It has been known for some architects to specify 100mm in four coats, but from feedback that we are receiving, 50mm is achieving some wonderful results.

46mm of insulating lime plaster has a Thermal conductivity (Lamda Value) 0.113 W/(mK)
Results c/o National Physical Laboratory specimen QM398 reference: 2010120038/1

Health & Safety Information

  • Eye protection must be worn at all times
  • It is advisable to wear gloves- nitrile/ latex are desirable
  • Masks are advisable when taking materials out of the bag

Mixing of the Insulation

The materials for the insulation come in three separate bags. The materials can be mixed in a paddle mixer (preferable as less splashback) or a belle mixer. The contents require a thorough mix (15-20 mins) before application. The walls need to have been brushed down of any loose materials then given a wash down half an hour before applying the first layer. The second layer is generally applied a week later once the first layer has dried (turned white), this depends on the temperature/humidity and how dry the walls are. Before applying the second layer the first layer should be dampened.

Read more about our lime insulation, and the customer reviews in our FAQ Why Use Insulated Lime Plaster

Technical Data Sheets

Report on the Thermal Conductivity of Lime Mortar

solid-wall-500mm-1.21 U value

solid-wall-600mm-1.141 U value

Guide to Insulation Options

Price is per square metre with options for bulk supply (which is more cost effective), or supplied in smaller easier to handle tubs.

50mm insulation backing coat plus 2-4mm plaster top coat (BULK)
50mm insulation backing coat plus 2-4mm plaster top coat (TUBS)

This product is supplied in component form for mixing on site, if a thicker insulation backing coat is required please contact us for other options.


ProductSpecificationSupplied as
EL150 mm insulation backing coat plus 6-8 mm insulated top coatBulk
EL250 mm insulation backing coat plus 6-8 mm insulated top coatTubs
EL350 mm insulation backing coat plus 2-4 mm plaster top coatBulk
EL450 mm insulation backing coat plus 2-4 mm plaster top coatTubs
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